Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek Fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Guest Blogger, Keller Ann Ray's Story

Once upon a time, there were some puppies. And me and my friends, Emily and Kate and Chloe and Lily, went to play with the puppies because we saw them. We saw it's mother. And it was growling at somebody else. We laughed because we saw the mother growling at somebody else and thought she was growling at us. It was funny but we didn't laugh at the puppies we just laughed at the mother. The puppies were cute. the mother said we could take one home because she had five so we each got to take one. We had fun that day. And we laughed and played with our puppies that we got. We jumped with our puppies. We got in the treehouse with our puppies. We did everything with our puppies. And then we went inside for lunch. The puppies didn't have anything to eat. So we went to the pet store. And we got them toys, and food. We didn't see any pets. I guess we just saw cats. My puppy loved the pet store. Whenever we got back we had cupcakes. The doggies had their food. We laughed because we were excited that we had puppies. So we went back outside and we saw the daddy. He barked. He didn't laugh. He tried to beat up us. He didn't like it one little bit. Then, he went all around us like he's gonna eat us. It was so scary. I don't like it. We screamed for our mom. We didn't dare move and the dog went like THIS: RUUUUFFFFFF! It scared us to death but then it asked for some food. And it was like: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GOOD! It missed us whenever it left. And then it's mother came and told it that she gave the puppies to them. Kate named her puppy Buddy. It was a labradoodle. Emily named her dog Chocolate Chip. Chloe named her dog Daisy. Lily named her dog Olive. I named my dog Kayla. And then we played with our dogs. They were cute and fun. We love my dogs very much. Whenever we went to college we took them. We didn't want them to run away so we took them everywhere and put them on a leash. Of course we put them on a leash. And guess where we put them. On the same hook. One day we got out of college. We went to the library. And guess what the girl who checks out books said. "You can't have dogs in here! We don't' allow dogs. We don't like your dogs." and then I standed up for my friends and said "Yeah, take it. I'll go ask the owner. She's my mom." and then the lady said "Oh, I'm sorry I said that. You can go with your dogs. But, you can go check out books." And then they all had kids. And Emily named her kids Sarah, Andrew, Andrea, Emmy, Emily. Kate named her kids Ashlyn, Mary, Felicity, Lily-May, Samantha, Abby and she still has her dog named Buddy. She loves her dog. Now it's time for Chloe had her kids. Beck, Chlo-clack, Keller, Kate, and Chloe. Lily her kids names were Caroline, Will, and Grace-anne. Now, my kids names were, Ashley, Aubrey, Riley, Mckenna, Charlie, Teddy, PJ, Gabe, Trinna, Mark, Tristian, Elizabeth, Hannah, Lindsey, Jessica, Ella, Spencer, Katherine. They played in the treehouse. They jumped on the trampoline. There wasn't enough room for all of them they had to take turns because I invited all them over. They watched a CD. They saw the FedEx guy. They were still just three they thought he got dropped off at the FedEx station. I know, I know, it goes on and on. And then some other friends came over named Woody and Bearly. There wasn't enough people for the trampoline. So some of them went in the tree house. They all lived in huge houses. Do you know there husbands names? Spencer, PJ, Nicholas, Thomas, Owen. I love my house. It's fun and huge because we have a tree house, a trampoline, a bird feeder, a rock climbing wall, a swing and everything you wanted. Even candy. Okay peoples, it's almost over. And peoples that I don't know. I know, I know, I'm funny on that part. But, it's not over. They grew up and picked flowers. I know, I know. But...
The End

Written by, 
Guest blogger, Keller Ray
 Age 7